
Thank you for having your child participate in Destination Soccer! Here is some information that will help everyone enjoy the experience better.


NUU is dedicated to empowering soccer families and players of all levels with a clear, supportive pathway for growth.


Find training and game times by your child's birth year, and confirm those details by reviewing their schedule.

Parents are key

Parents, you are the most important part of the experience.


All NUU players, teams and programs use the Ollie App to communicate. To join the Destination Soccer Group use the group code: 397-897-538

Arm Bands

NUU will provide armbands as players advance from one level to the next, with a focus on individual development for younger ages.


In an effort to “think global and act local,” NUU leaders constantly study training approaches from around the world, implementing concepts and activities that help our players develop their skills and grow to love the game.


The Constraints Based Approach (CBA) combined with a focus on the individual can help our coaches, players and families better understand why player movement throughout the club is vital during their non-linear development process.

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